As of JANUARY 07, 2021
Our toy shows are back on in 2021, but may be affected by State and local policy. Please check our show schedule or follow us on Facebook for the latest news. Moving forward, there some rules all patrons and dealers must follow in accordance with the Bridgeview community guidelines.
Our show will be subject to limited capacity until regulations are lifted. We apologize for lines or extended waiting periods. We suggest arriving early to secure your place in line. Patrons must always be wearing a PPE mask or facial covering while inside the building. Sanitizing stations will be available throughout the area. Patrons must sanitize their hands upon entering and upon leaving the convention.
It is advised that large clusters of people be avoided at one table, so it is possible that groups may be broken up to avoid crowding.
Failure to comply with these safety rules may result in removal from the facility.
If COVID-19 conditions should change and the State government should see fit to limit gatherings, we may be forced to cancel conventions. Please check back often and subscribe to our mailing list for updates.
Keep being safe, stay healthy and see you at the next show!
Terry Mannix
Admin & Founder, Toy Con Toy Show